Wednesday, 4 September 2019

News in brief - Wednesday 4th September

Plastic leaving its geological mark 
Plastic remnants are collecting in the sediment deposited at the bottom of our oceans and could become part of future fossil records; it is thought that this age could become known as the 'plastic age'  similar to how the iron ages and bronzes ages were known for their use of certain materials

Response to Hurricane Dorian intensifies
Rescuers are beginning to reach the northern areas of the Bahamas which was one of the worst hit regions by the record-breaking hurricane; seven people have been confirmed dead but this number is expected to rise, and looting has broken out as people are desperate for food and clean water

Greenland's melting ice sheet
Scientists are reporting that Greenland's ice sheet has melted by a record amount this year, thinning by about 100m; this has worrying implications for future sea level rise and will put low lying countries and states such as Bangladesh and Florida under threat