Thursday 4 October 2018

News in brief - Thursday 4th October

Appeal to help tsunami survivors
The DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee) has today launched an appeal across all forms of media to raise money and awareness for the survivors of the tsunami in Indonesia; people are still suffering immensely, with aid taking a long time to reach remote places and many still living in temporary shelters and being treated in outdoor hospitals

Climate change targets
The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) are hopeful that reaching the climate change target of only 1.5 degrees celsius of warming is possible; individual actions (such as eating less meat) and the lowering cost of renewable energies are making the level of emissions more achievable

Waste fuels flights
The first commercial flight partly fuelled by waste has successfully flown from Orlando to London; the plane was fuelled with part jet engine fuel and part ethanol produced from waste gases