Wednesday, 26 September 2018

News in brief - Wednesday 26th September

Saving the world's coral reefs
Scientists in Florida area creating coral nurseries to help grow new coral in controlled conditions; this coral would then become replanted on old reefs that have died due to changes in temperature caused by climate change

Activity at China's coal-fired power stations
Green campaigners at Coalswarm have reported that building work has restarted at a number of coal-fired power stations in China; this move will make it even harder for China to keep to its carbon dioxide emissions targets and will make the global fight against climate change even more difficult

Solar power in India
The area of Pavagada in India has one of the biggest solar farms in the world (5,000 hectares in size); this will help it to reach its target of having 40% of its energy coming from clean sources, as stated in the Paris Climate Change Agreement